Mark Wylie introduced Kayla Arnolts, Regional Homeless Services & Program Support Specialist for the Regional Office of Education and Julie Burke, Irving School Social Worker and Homeless Liaison Specialist for District 87.
Kayla & Julie shared information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The act ensures eligible children have the right to:
- Choice of school
- Immediate enrollment
- Transportation
- Preschool
- Free lunch & fee waivers
- Supplemental tutoring
Eligible children include:
- Doubled-up children: those living with another family due to lack of permanent residence
- Children living in shelters
- Children living in motels
- Migratory children
- Runaways
- Lockouts
Currently there are 1.2 million children in the US categorized as homeless. The McKinney Vento Act is focused on removing barriers to enrollment in school, but the largest barrier is the support can't be provided unless parents/guardians identify themselves and indicate their need for support.
In District 87 alone, they had over 175 children who qualified as homeless. Julie shared what basic items she brings to these families on visits to help support them (socks, underwear, toiletries, cleaning supplies, etc.) and how critical these items are in addition to connecting these families with other local organizations, food pantries, etc. for support.
For additional information, visit: